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Hill Electric

San Antonio, Texas

October 2006

Richard Dennehy, of Hill Electric Company, made the following recent comments. See his original interview  to learn why he purchased Design Master in the first place.

"Business is going great. Design Master is doing an excellent job. There are still a few ideas I have that, once I get them sorted, I will forward to you to see if they can be incorporated into the program. In the past two weeks I have designed two office warehouse projects; one is 360,000 square feet and the other is 200,000 square feet. I completed the shell with the lighting, service and fire pump. I am finishing out the office portion of both of these projects; one is 24,000 square feet and the other is 11,000 square feet. I am also finishing out a 9,500 square foot medical office as well as a 6,800 square foot office project.

"I would be totally stressed out, instead of partially, if it wasn't for the program. [It] really does make life easier. At 67 years of age I'm looking for the easiest way to do everything."

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