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Design Master HVAC 5.0 Released

Shoreline, WA, September 25, 2006 – Design Master Software released Design Master HVAC 5.0 on September 25, 2006. This release focused on changes to the building load calculations. In addition, there are a variety of improvements throughout the software based upon feedback from our customers.

Building Load Calculations

Building load calculations in Design Master HVAC have always been fast and efficient. The building is modeled inside of AutoCAD, eliminating the need to manually enter and update room areas.

Design Master HVAC 5.0 improves upon this by adding more depth and flexibility to our current building load calculations. This depth allows our customers to model even the most complex buildings in Design Master HVAC.

Quality control is improved with the addition of a new feature called “Load Maps.” These maps display the building load calculation value graphically on the drawing, rather than in columns of numbers. They allow the engineer to quickly evaluate a design and look for areas that are problems, either due to design issues or incorrect modeling.

Contact Information

Robert Robison
bob at

About Design Master Software, Inc.

Design Master Software develops software for electrical and mechanical building engineers. Their two products--Design Master HVAC and Design Master Electrical--have been available since 2001.


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