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Upgrading to HVAC 5.0 and Electrical 6.3

These instructions are for customers who are upgrading to Design Master HVAC 5.0 or Electrical 6.3.

Upgrading HVAC

Step 1 - Obtain License File

This version requires a new license file. To obtain one, contact Design Master Software directly and we will send it to you.

Step 2 - Download the Files

Download and run the HVAC AutoCAD install file.

It should be installed to a different folder than where Design Master HVAC is currently installed.

If you are also running Design Master Electrical, both HVAC and Electrical should be installed to the same folder.

If more than one person in your office is running Design Master HVAC, we recommend you select a shared network folder for the install location.

Step 3 - Upgrade Your Current Install

Open AutoCAD. Open install.dwg that is located in the Install folder where you installed Design Master HVAC.

Type APPLOAD at the command line. Select hvac-upgrade45To50.vlx and press the Load button. Then press the close button.

If it asks you to select the dm_hvac_master.mdb file, browse to your old Design Master HVAC install location and select the file.

If it asks you if you want to keep Design Master HVAC installed where it currently is, answer No.

Step 4 - Configure Other Computers

These instructions are only necessary if you are running Design Master HVAC on more than one computer.

Download the Design Master Components file. Run it once on each computer.

Open AutoCAD. Open install.dwg that is located in the Install folder where you installed Design Master HVAC.

Type APPLOAD at the command line. Select hvac-loadInAutoCAD.vlx and press the Load button. Then press the close button. (Note that on these additional computers, you are loading the install VLX, and not the upgrade VLX file).

If it asks you if you want to keep Design Master HVAC installed where it currently is, answer No.

Upgrading Electrical

These instructions assume you are running Design Master Electrical 6.0 or later. If you are running only Design Master Electrical 5.2, please contact us for assistance with your upgrade.

Step 1 - Obtain License File

This version requires a new license file. To obtain one, contact Design Master Software directly and we will send it to you.

Step 2 - Download the Files

Download and run the Electrical AutoCAD install file.

It should be installed to a different folder than where Design Master Electrical is currently installed.

If you are also running Design Master HVAC, both HVAC and Electrical should be installed to the same folder.

If more than one person in your office is running Design Master Electrical, we recommend you select a shared network folder for the install location.

Step 3 - Upgrade Your Current Install

Open AutoCAD. Open install.dwg that is located in the Install folder where you installed Design Master Electrical.

Type APPLOAD at the command line. Select elec-upgrade62To63.vlx and press the Load button. Then press the close button.

If it asks you to select the dm_elec_master.mdb file, browse to your old Design Master Electrical install location and select the file.

If it asks you if you want to keep Design Master Electrical installed where it currently is, answer No.

Step 4 - Install Documentation

The help file has to be installed as a separate step from the regular program installation.

Download and run the Electrical Documentation install file.

Install this file on all computers running Design Master Electrical.

Install the file to a local folder. Because of a security update to Windows XP, this file will not work correctly if it is installed to a network folder.

Step 5 - Configure Other Computers

These instructions are only necessary if you are running Design Master Electrical on more than one computer.

Download the Design Master Components file. Run it once on each computer.

Open AutoCAD. Open install.dwg that is located in the Install folder where you installed Design Master Electrical.

Type APPLOAD at the command line. Select elec-loadInAutoCAD.vlx and press the Load button. Then press the close button. (Note that on these additional computers, you are loading the install VLX, and not the upgrade VLX file).

If it asks you if you want to keep Design Master Electrical installed where it currently is, answer No.

Step 6 - Upgrade or Install Excel Add-in

These instructions are only necessary if you are using the Excel Add-in. They are the same if you are upgrading the Excel Add-in or installing it for the first time.

Download the Electrical Excel Add-in. Run it once on each computer.

Other Installation Links

Instructions for installing Design Master HVAC 5.0 or Electrical 6.3 for the first time.

Instructions for installing an update to Design Master HVAC 5.0 or Electrical 6.3.

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