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Troubleshooting Steps

Follow these steps if your Design Master installation is not working properly. They will walk you through all of the settings that need to be correct in order for Design Master to run.

  1. Check to see that a profile exists for Design Master. In AutoCAD, type OPTIONS at the command line and select the Profiles tab. Look at the list of profiles for a Design Master profile. The default names are DMHVAC and DMElec, but yours might be different. If a profile does not exist, create a new one using the Add to List button.  
  2. Check that you have a desktop icon pointing to your Design Master profile.
    • If you do not have an icon, create a copy of your current AutoCAD icon. Renamed it appropriately.
    • Once you have an icon, right-click on it and select Properties. Check the end of the target. It should list /p "ProfileName". If ProfileName does not match the name of the profile from step 1, change it. If there is no /p in the target, add it.
  3. Check your AutoCAD support path. Type OPTIONS at the command line and select the Files tab. Expand the Support File Search Path list. Look for the path where Design Master is installed.
    • If the Design Master path is not listed there, press Add and then Browse to add the path.
    • If there are any extra Design Master paths pointing to old or different versions, they should be removed. The HVAC profile should not include the Design Master Electrical path, and the Electrical profile should not include the Design Master HVAC path.
    • In AutoCAD 2006, the CUI sub folder in the Design Master folder should not be listed as a support path.
  4. Reload the Design Master menus.
    • In AutoCAD 2005 and earlier, type MENULOAD at the command line. Unload any Design Master menus that are loaded. Press the Browse button and select the Design Master menus to load. Once the menus are loaded, leave the Menu Customization dialog open. Select the Menu Bar tab. Change the Menu Group to a Design Master menu. In the Menu Bar list, select the menu that you want after the Design Master menu. Typically, you will want to select Help. Then press the Insert >> button to insert the menu. If you are loading Design Master HVAC, this process should be repeated for both the HVAC and BLDG menus.
    • In AutoCAD 2006, type CUILOAD at the command line. Press the Browse button and load the Design Master CUI files. They are located in the CUI sub folder that is located in your Design Master folder. Use the CUI command to configure your workspaces to show the appropriate menus and toolbars.
  5. Check that the correct license file is being installed. Under a DM menu, go to Help->About. Under File Locations it will list where dm_dm-license.arx or dm_dm-license2004.arx is found.
    • If it is not found, locate the license file previously sent to you. We typically send them by email.
      • If you cannot find your license file, contact us directly and we will send you a new copy.
      • Once you have located your license file, extract it to your Design Master folder. It needs to be extracted to both the HVAC and the Electrical folders if you are running both versions of Design Master.
    • If the file is found but is not in your Design Master folder, you should close AutoCAD and erase the file. Then restart AutoCAD and check the license file location again. Having license files installed to locations other than your Design Master folder make it difficult to confirm that the correct one is installed.
    • If it is found in the Design Master folder, check that it is the version you expect. At the AutoCAD command line, press F2 and scroll to the top of the AutoCAD Text Window. It should say "Loading Design Master" near the top, then list your company name, number and type of licenses, and the license expiration date. If that is not listed, you should close AutoCAD and extract the license file to your Design Master folder again.
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