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DM Electrical 6.0.1 Update

The following is a list of significant changes made between 6.0 and 6.0.1. The database format did not change at all. All 6.0 projects will run without modification in 6.0.1.
  • Improved looping. There are a couple of changes to the looping algorithm that should result in more intelligent automatic looping.
  • Added a Recalculate Fault button to the one line device dialogs. This button recalculates the fault in the whole project and updates the values in the dialog that are being calculated. Using this button, you can change the length of a feeder and quickly see the affect on the fault of the system.
  • The IG Bus checkbox on the Panel dialog works again.
  • One line diagram labels that are wrapped to more than one line now plot using the correct lineweight.
  • The light fixture and receptacle master schedules are no longer imported when a project is first started.
  • Label modifications, including location and rotation angle, are properly copied when a device is copied.
  • Numerous other minor bug fixes.


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