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Installing Design Master Electrical 6.1 - Excel Add-In

The Excel add-in must be installed on each individual computer. It is not possible to install it in a network location like the AutoCAD Add-in.

Update Windows

If you have not previously installed the Excel Add-in, then you need to install the .Net Runtime and the Design Master Components to make sure all of the necessary Windows updates are installed. Links for installing these files can be found at the bottom of our Files and Downloads page


The installation is simple. Download this file and run it.

If the Excel Add-in has previously been installed, it will automatically upgrade your installation.

If the Excel Add-in has not previously been installed, after the installation is complete you will need to add the Add-in file to Excel. 

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Select the Tools->Add-ins command.
  3. Press the Browse button and locate the folder where you installed the Excel add-in. The default location is C:\Program Files\Design Master Software\Electrical.
  4. Select the dm_elec.xla file and press OK. It should now be listed and checked in the Add-Ins available list, as shown below:

  5. Press OK to close the Add-Ins dialog.
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