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General Features (in HVAC 4.5 and Electrical 5.2)

Access 2000 Support: Our databases have been upgraded to Access 2000. Existing projects will remain in Access 97 format.

Drawing and Database Coordination: The various update database functions have been removed and replaced with Coordinate Drawing and Database. This function allows you to coordinate a set of selected drawings with the database. For each drawing, it first checks to make sure that what is in the database matches what is on the drawing. If a device does not exist on the drawing, it is reinserted. It then checks each device on the drawing and make sure it exists in the database. Any possible duplicates are resolved and new records are created in the database. Any devices that exist on the drawing but not in the database are recreated.

Delete Extra Devices From Database: This command allows you to delete any devices that exist in the database that either do not have a drawing or are on a drawing that no longer exists.

Better Save As Support

  • Save As Question: Support for save as has been improved. Now, when a drawing name is changed, Design Master forces you to run Coordinate Drawing and Database on the drawing before continuing. It no longer asks you if you want to move or copy devices (what ever that meant!). The coordination function is smart enough to do the right thing and make sure that your drawing is safe.
  • Case Change: Design Master no longer considers a change in case of a drawing name a save as.

Long Path Name Support: Design Master can now deal with folder names that exceed 128 characters.

Extra Databases can be Deleted: Design Master no longer requires that you have both an HVAC and electrical database in your project folder. If you are a one discipline firm, you can now erase the extra database and save a little room on your server. The Start New Job command includes options to exclude files that you do not use.
If you start a job without one of the databases, and later decide that you want to include it, you run the Start New Job command again. Design Master will create the missing databases, but will not overwrite the existing ones.

Multi-User Support: Support for multiple users has been greatly improved.

Layer 0 Locked: Design Master automatically unlocks layer 0 if it is locked and alerts the user that it has done so. The program will not function properly with layer 0 locked.

Alignment Points: You cannot work on drawings that have two alignment points inserted on them.

Design Master CTB: A CTB file mapping the default Design Master layers to appropriate line weights is included.

Command Names: All Design Master commands have been renamed to start with dm_bldg-, dm_elec-, and dm_hvac-. This will prevent conflicts with other AutoCAD programs.

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