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One-line Riser Diagrams

One Line Diagram

Label Panels with any Important Information

Design Master allows you to build panels and transformers. You may then display upwards of 20 different pieces of information about each device on the one-line riser diagram.

Show Main and Branch Breakers

Design Master records how each panel is built and how they are all connected, fed, and protected. You can then display the breakers on the one-line riser diagram.

Easy to Edit One-Line with ACAD Grips

Move the one-line devices and feeders around the drawing with AutoCAD grips commands until you have the one-line just how you like it.

Display Feeders

Show the size of a single feeder or all the feeders on the one-line riser diagram.

Customizable Graphics

You may create new blocks to represent all the one-line devices, including panels, transformers, breakers, fuses, and more. Make the one-line riser diagram look like your own.

One-Line Riser Automatically Updates when Changes are Made to Design

Any time your design changes, you can quickly update your entire one-line riser diagram. If a panel is increased in size, such that the bus, the main breaker, and the feeders are changed, Design Master will instantly update the labels on your one-line riser diagram. This eliminates the chance of forgetting to update something when a project is being rushed out the door.

Next feature: Panel Schedules

The one-line riser diagram is a new feature in Design Master Electrical 6.0. If you want more information about it, you can read the preview article that we previously posted.

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