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Design Master User Conference 2006 Report

Thursday, April 27, 2006

On April 20, 2006, Design Master users from around the country converged on Cincinnati for the inagural Design Master User Conference. For two days Design Master users had the chance to attend classes on the software, meet and network with fellow users, and talk directly to the development and support staff of Design Master Software.

Continuing with our hands-on approach to user education, attendees were encouraged to bring laptops to the conference and participate in the classes.

Design Master users had ample time to meet, share ideas, and network during the conference.

At Design Master Software we don’t just say we value input from our customers, we actually mean it. Here Bob Robison engages a class in a discussion about how to improve an existing feature in the software.

Thanks again to all our customers who helped make the conference a success. We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

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