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AutoCAD 2007 Roadmap

On March 1, Autodesk officially announced that it will be releasing AutoCAD 2007 at the end of the month. If you want to know more about AutoCAD 2007, Shaan Hurley has a good collection of links from around the web.

AutoCAD 2007 Compatibility

Design Master is currently not compatible with AutoCAD 2007. At the moment, we are working on a large upgrade to the HVAC program. We hope to have it ready to be released by the beginning of summer, 2006. We will be previewing this release at the Design Master User Conference in April.

Once the new HVAC version is released, we will make the changes necessary to support AutoCAD 2007 for both Design Master HVAC and Design Master Electrical. We hope to be compatible by the end of summer, 2006.

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